A box of archaeology at the Night of the Museums

                This year’s idea was to bring together Medieval  and Roman finds from excavations of the Mureș County Museum and to present them parallel next to each other. The 14 finds reveal similar aspects of the Roman and Medieval Era, like Roman gaming counters and Medieval dices, Roman iron lamps and Medieval bronze candle trimmer. In order for visitors to have a better understanding, five minutes presentations were held about each object by specialists of the museum.

                The museum pedagogical activities were strongly connected to the exhibited finds. Because of the two Roman moneyboxes from the exhibition, children could learn about Roman currency and paint their own coins. Related to the iron spur, the young ones could paint a horseman with spur. Of course, the Rota could not be missing either, but children enjoyed making candles and stamping on clay too. It was a lovely day with many inquiring people, eager to find out more about our special finds.
