Scientific report

Concerning the period between September – December 2013

The most important scientific activity of the team in this period was the elaboration of an on-line database structure in order to classify the information related to archaeological sites and material. By creating and testing the database, in which data will be introduced in the second stage of the project, there has been developed the project’s most important tool.  The database can be accessed only with a username and password from the website of the project (www.rlcr.ro), but it will be open for everyone after the end of the grant. The website of the project contains data concerning the project description, the project team, and news/results related to the grant. In order to have an impact on the international scientific community, the language of the site is English.

As a result of a serious documentation activity there has been established a bibliographic collection concerning the structures of the sites from this limes sector and the archaeological material published so far. This bibliographic collection already contains more than two hundred titles.

The achieved scientific results were presented at several regional, national, and international conferences organized in the country or abroad.  There have been working on some articles and studies which will be published or submitted for publication in BDI, ISI indexed journals, or in conference, study volumes.

 In the course of this stage there has been founded a working group entitled “Roman Limes Research Centre” in the frame of the Mureș County Museum which was created to support the realization of our  project.

There have been made the most important investments in the field of logistic, thus we created a working place for the team.







  • Alpár Dobos: Gepizii din Transilvania în epoca avară timpurie din perspectiva arheologiei. Probleme legate de cercetarea cimitirelor cu morminte dispuse în şiruri paralele. In:  Acta Musei Porolissensis, 35, 2013 (forthcoming).








Avarkori Régészeti Kutatások, Budapest, Hungary, December 12th-13th 2013

  • Alpár Dobos: Gepidák az avar kori Erdélyben. A kutatás jelenlegi állása.

Der Rhein als europäische Verkehrsachse, Bonn, Germany, November 15th 2013.

  • Constanze Höpken: Erste Ergebnisse zu Amphoren aus Köln und Bonn

XI. Erdélyi Magyar Régészeti Konferencia, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania, November 8th – 10th  2013

  • Alpár Dobos: Bizánci importtárgyak a gepida és a kora avarkori Erdélyben
  • Katalin Sidó: A Corugea-i graffitós tál
  • Szilamér Péter Pánczél: Mikháza: válaszok és kérdések
  • Lóránt Vass: Nyitott vasmécses a mikházi (Călugăreni, Maros megye) római katonai táborból. Megjegyzések a vas mécsesek dáciai előfordulásához és használatához




Colocviu Național. Frontierele Imperiului Roman. Dacia Limes Forum II,  Cluj-Napoca, December 12th 2013.

  • Nicoleta Man,  Szilamér Péter Pánczél, Daniel Cioată: Cercetări din 2013 pe limes-ul de est al Daciei (sectorul Brâncovenești-Sărățeni)

Sesiunea Științifică ”Unitate, continuitate și independență în istoria poporului român. 95 de ani de la Marea Unire (1918 – 2013),  Alba Iulia, November 21st – 22nd  2013.

  • Alpár Dobos: Monede bizantine în Transilvania în epoca gepidică și avară. Studiu comparativ




Maros megye történetéből. A Magyar Tudomány Napja Erdélyben. 12. Fórum, Târgu-Mureș, November 30th 2013

  • Szilamér Péter Pánczél: A római limes Maros megye területén. Örökségvédelmi kihívások. 

II. Helytörténeti Konferencia: 100 éves a szovátai Városháza, Sovata, September 21st 2013

  • Szilamér Péter Pánczél: Sóvárad római kori emlékei