Category Archives: event

Hello Springtime


The Milites Marisensis Association and the Mureş County Museum greeted the spring together at Călugăreni/Mikháza. Organized on the 10th of April, Ludi Megalenses offered a number of events for those who visited. The reenactment groups from Târgu-Mureş, Alba Iulia and Sibiu performed military exercises, while our colleagues from the museum offered guided tours at the two exhibition pavilions and museumpedagogical workshops.


This was only one of the several events that will be organized at the Călugăreni/Mikháza Arhcaeological Park this year.


8R (Roman) Festival at Călugăreni/Mikháza

plakat A3

The motto of this year’s festival is „…IN CORPORE SANO”. Health and self-care was just as important to the Romans as it is to us nowadays.

The festival respects the newest sanitary regulations and will have Roman military demonstrations, exhibitions, workshops, guided tours and concerts.

Let’s discover the wonders of the Roman world together on the 1st of August!




14.00–18.00 Exhibition: A Box of Archaeology
14.00–18.00 Exhibition: The Insignias of the Roman Legions

14.00–15.00 Concert: Neumarkt Brass Quintet
15.30–16.00 Military exercises of the Roman soldiers: Milites Marisensis
17.00–17.30 Dance performance: Antheia Imperialis
17.30–18.00 Military exercises of the Roman soldiers: Milites Marisensis
18.00–19.00 Folk night: Maros Ensemble

14.00–18.00 Roman military camp life
14.00–18.00 Museumpedagogycal presentations

13.00–19.00 Taberna
13.00–19.00 Rostra (Information kiosk)
15.00–15.30 Exhibition opening: Joannes Kájoni 390


14.00–18.00 Exhibition: TIME BOX
14.00–18.00 Bellevue: Compass
14.00–18.00 Guided tours at the archaeological site


14.00–18.00 Exhibition: Bibliotheca claustri
14.00–18.00 Exhibition: Collegium naturae curiosorum
14.00–18.00 Guided tours inside the Franciscan church

14.00–18.00 Museumpedagogycal presentations
16.00–17.00 Concert: Kájoni Consort

European Archaeology Day at the Călugăreni/Mikháza Archaeological Park

DSC_0115European Archaeology Days (Journées européennes de l’archéologie) had its 11th edition this year. A total of 28 countries participated with 1.000 events. The aim of the organizers is making the public aware of the importance of archaeological researches.

DSC_0128The Mureș County Museum participated for the first time, the event was held on the 20th of June at the Călugăreni Archaeological Park. In spite of the initial bad weather, we had almost 100 visitors. The guests could attend guided tours inside the pavilions (Time Box), the archaeological excavation and the experimental garden. Those who were interested could also make scented sacks from herbs during the day. The members of the Milites Marisensis Association made the occasion that more festive with their presence.


European Archaeology Day at Călugăreni/Mikháza


Spend an exciting day at the Archaeological Park from Călugăreni!

The Mureş County Museum participates at the European Archaeology Days for the first time. On the 20th of June, Saturday, between 10 and 18 o’clock, the visitors will have the chance to participate on guided tours at the archaeological excavation site inside the Roman fort, and also at the newly re-opened exhibition pavilions (TIME BOX). You can also have a look at our experimental garden and take a walk to our bellevue.

Lecture about the 2019 excavations at Brâncovenești


Szilamér Péter Pánczél, archaeologist at the Roman Limes Research Centre of the Mureș County Museum, has been invited to give a lecture about the 2019 excavations at Brâncovenești. Due to the renovations partaking at the church, there was need for preventive archaeological researches, which were carried out by the colleagues from the museum, students of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the young workers from Brâncovenești. The project was financed by the Transylvanian District of the Reformed Church and coordinated by the Pósta Béla Association from Cluj-Napoca. They managed to identify the foundations of the bell tower, belonging to the 18th century church. The exact reasons why the tower wasn’t built is unknown as of yet. Archaeological material belonging to the Roman period was found inside and around the tower, since the church was built on the Roman military settlement.

thumbnailAnother research location was the Kemény family’s orchard in the area of the Roman military fort. We wanted to find the remains of a smaller church or chapel, a part of which was already discovered in 1970’s. Based on the geophysical data, we managed to localize a part of the sacristy, sanctuary and a 18-19th century crypt.

DSC_0609The public could also ask other questions about the excavations, not only from Mr. Pánczél, but also from the other researchers present. The event was finished with an agape feast.




Location: The Archaeological Park from Călugăreni
During this activity we would like to present the different techniques of food conservation in Roman times. Besides presenting the recipes from the ancient sources, we would like to test some procedures of fruits and vegetables conservation. The pickled vegetables and fruits will be ready until the 7R (Roman) Festival in Călugăreni, on the 3rd of August 2019, and the ones attending will have the possibility to taste them.
Partners: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Târgu Mureș, Horticultural Engineering; Sidó György Landscape-Architecture.

Field school at the eastern limes of Dacia

During the last month researchers and students from Romania, Germany and Hungary carried out archaeological excavations in the principia of the Roman fort from Călugăreni and in the vicus belonging to it. In the principia the research focused on the rooms situated in the south-eastern corner, while the trenches from the vicus targeted a waste pit containing a large amount of pottery and a layer which contained objects which relate to cultic activities. During the research of the headquarters building the last phase of usage and the foundations of the corner rooms were discovered. The waste pit from the civilian settlement offered important data related to local pottery production and enriched the repertoire of the 2nd century forms of pottery, unveiling vessels, like snake-pots and incense burners, which allude to cultic activities in the neighboring parts of the vicus. The students, besides having a good time, learned a lot and gained experience.


The mood was even more enhanced by the event called 6R Day of Archaeology, which took place on the 11th of August. The visitors had the opportunity to participate at various museum pedagogical activities, presentations and to experience a real archaeological excavation. The day was crowned with the inauguration of a special Bellevue, named Compass, which was created after a project of students from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.





11.00–19.00    Walk with the festival carriage on the course of the Barn Theatre – Franciscan Monastery – Archaeological Park – Barn Theatre



11.00–11.30    Festive opening and book presentation

12.00–12.30    Presentation [RO]: Bajusz István, Panem et circenses

12.30–12.45    Presentation [RO]: Rezi Botond, The bronze depot from Călugăreni in the light of thesaurisation practices in Transylvania

12.45–13.00    Presentation [RO]: Nicoleta Man, The Roman site from Călugăreni in the light of archaeological sources

13.30–14.00    Presentation [HU]: Bajusz István, Panem et circenses

16.00–16.15    Presentation [HU]: Rezi Botond, The bronze depot from Călugăreni in the light of thesaurisation practices in Transylvania

16.15–16.30    Presentation [HU]: Pánczél Szilamér, The Roman site from Călugăreni in the light of archaeological sources

11.00–19.00    Exhibition: A box of archaeology


11.30–12.00    Training of the Roman soldiers

18.00–19.00    Training of the Roman soldiers


11.00–21.00    Buffet

10.00–19.00    Information point

11.00–18.00    Museum pedagogical activities related to the Romans


11.00–19.00    Exhibition: Five years of IDENTITY AND CULTURE



11.00–19.00    Exhibition: Bibliotheca claustri. Selections from the librarial bequest of the Franciscan Monastery from Călugăreni

13.00–14.30    Guided tour according to the timetable in the  Franciscan Monastery (RO, HU)

14.30–14.45    Presentation [HU]: Bányai Réka: The library of the Franciscan Monastery from Călugăreni

14.45–15.30    Oldmusic concert: Trio Vivo chamber concert

15.30–15.45    Presentation [RO]: Bányai Réka: The library of the Franciscan Monastery from Călugăreni

16.00–18.00    Guided tour according to the timetable in the  Franciscan Monastery (RO, HU)


11.00–18.00    Museum pedagogical activities related to the Francisan Monastery


16.00–18.00    Guided tour according to the timetable in the restorers lab (RO, HU)


11.00–19.00    Exhibition: TIME BOX

11.00–18.00    Museum pedagogical activities related to archaeology

16.00–18.00    Guided tour according to the timetable at the excavation and in the TIMEBOX exhibitions (RO, HU)

19.00–19.30    Inauguration: COMPASS bellevue


10.00–21.00    Restaurant


Festivalul 5R Fesztivál



[RO] A cincea ediție a Festivalului Roman de la Călugăreni (comuna Eremitu, jud. Mureș) va avea loc în acest an pe data de 12 august. Cu această ocazie vizitatorii vor avea posibilitatea să participe în cadrul atelierelor interactive care vor fi organizate în curtea Teatrului Șură și în cea a Mănăstirii Franciscane, să viziteze pavilioanele expoziționale TIME BOX, precum și săpăturile arheologice desfășurate atât în clădirea comandamentului din castrul roman (principia), cât și în băile romane. Pe lângă atelierele și activitățile deja consacrate (parada militară, luptele de gladiatori, expoziții tematice, atelier de bucătărie romană, mozaic, opaițe și figurine de teracotă, fierărie, teatru, coafuri, croitorie etc.), festivalul din 2017 va avea drept temă principală educația și copilăria. Vor fi organizate ateliere interactive și activități de pedagogie muzeală, însoțite de panouri explicative, care vor pune accentul pe educație și cotidianul copilăriei: școala romană, atelier de amulete romane, atelier de jocuri romane, concurs de limba latină. Ca element nou, în curtea Mănăstirii Franciscane, urmând aceeași temă a festivalului, vor fi organizate o serie de activități legate de școală și educație în mediu mănăstiresc (limba latină (cateheză), aritmetică, științele naturii, geografie, botanică) împreună cu prezentări de dansuri renascentiste. Evenimentul se va încheia cu un concert de muzică veche interpretată de Ansamblul Flauto Dolce și cu tradiționala paradă de torțe.


[HU] Az ötödik mikházi (Nyárádremete község, Maros megye) Római Fesztivál ebben az évben augusztus 12-én kerül megrendezésre. A látogatóknak lehetősége nyílik az interaktív műhelyekben való részvételre, melyek a Csűrszínház, illetve a Ferences kolostor udvarán lesznek elhelyezve. Megtekinthető lesz a TIME BOX pavilonokban található kiállítás, valamint a római katonai tábor parancsnoki épületében (principia) és a római fürdőben zajló régészeti feltárás is. A korábbi fesztiválokról ismert műhelyek és tevékenységek (katonai felvonulás, gladiátorharcok, tematikus kiállítások, római konyha, mozaikkészítés, mécses és terrakotta készítés, kovácsműhely, színház, fodrászat, szabóműhely stb.) mellett a fesztivál központi témája a gyerekkor és a nevelés lesz, melynek bemutatására különböző interaktív műhelyek és múzeumpedagógiai tevékenységek formájában kerül sor: római iskola, amulett készítő műhely, római játékok, latin nyelvű vetélkedő. Szintén újdonság lesz a Ferences kolostor udvarán zajló, hasonló tematikájú tevékenység, mely az iskolát és nevelést mutatja be a kolostori környezetben (latin nyelv (katekézis), számtan, természettudományok, földrajz, növénytan), valamint a reneszánsz táncbemutató. Az eseményt a Flauto Dolce Együttes régizene koncertje és a hagyományos fáklyás felvonulás zárja.


[EN] The fifth edition of the Roman and Renaissance Festival from Călugăreni (H: Mikháza; Eremitu, Mureș County) will be organized on the 12th of July 2017. The visitors will have the possibility to participate at the interactive workshops held in the courtyard of the Barn Theatre and at the Franciscan monastery, to visit the exhibitions in the TIME BOX pavilions as well as the ongoing archaeological excavations from the headquarters (principia) of the military fort and from the Roman bath house. Beside the workshops and activities already established in the former years (military parade, gladiator fights, thematic exhibitions, Roman kitchen, mosaic workshop, lamp and terracotta workshop, blacksmithing, theatre, hairdressing, tailor’s workshop etc.) the main topic of the festival will focus on childhood and education, which will be presented in the frame of several interactive workshops and museum pedagogical activities, like Roman school, amulet workshop, Roman games, Latin language contest. Another novelty will be represented by the activities on the same topic carried out in the courtyard of the Franciscan monastery, which will focus on school and education in the context of the monastic life (Latin language (catechesis), arithmetic, natural sciences, geography, and botany) and by the Renaissance dance show. The event will finish with the Early Music concert held by the Flauto Dolce Group and with the traditional torchlight parade.



Museum pedagogy workshop on the 20th of May 2017, 11am-17pm at the exhibition halls of the Mureș County Museum from the Castle of Târgu Mureș

The purpose of the activities is to familiarize the public with different aspects related to childhood and education during the Roman period. The interactive thematic workshops and museum pedagogy activities, accompanied by explanatory panels, will focus on education and the every-day aspects of childhood: artefacts typical for children and their meaning, activities related to school and the way in which a Roman child could have acquired new knowledge. The visitors can directly participate in the activities and the workshops are opened to both children and adults.
